
Possible to add user by project (ie, some group can access project A but not project B and vice versa)?

peter 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

When choosing roles, is it possible to allow project based access right instead of 'all on' or 'all off' selection?


It is impossible to support a group of users.

When choosing roles, is it possible to allow project based access right instead of 'all on' or 'all off' selection?

Now, it is not possible. Because MyCollab is the modular application, and the roles of the global are different with the roles of each module (for example: project management).

However, I get your point to simplify the access right management of project module. We can create a alias of group of users. This group does not define any access right, but then alias of the group of users. When user invite new members to the project, they can type the group alias to send the invitation to all of users in this group. Does it make sense?

Hai Nguyen

Nah... I need to use it such that only those assigned for a project can see / view information of the project. Thanks for reply however.
