
Server process runs at 100% CPU usage after anyone login

SWeerawat 8 years ago updated by Nguyen 8 years ago 6

Hi fellas!,

I'm about to try MyCollab in my environment.

From several trials and errors I come to one quick question,

is it normal or known issue that server process keep running at 100% CPU consumption?

I tried switching between commercial and community edition, push and pull method,

still got the same behavior. The high CPU consumption start right after any user login to MyCollab.

Your suggestion or inquiry always welcome. Let me know if I could provide more useful information.


Image 38

Image 39

Here's detail of my environment.

2.8Ghz Xeon processor
4GB memory

CentOS 7.2

Oracle Java 1.8.0_91-b14

MyCollab 5.4.0 (both community and trial commercial)

MYCOLLAB_OPTS=-noverify -server -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:NewSize=128m -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=10M -Xloggc:logs/mycollab.gclog

Will be answered


Thank you for reporting this issue, your description is very clear. We can reproduce this issue one of our machines. Sadly, this issue comes from a library we have upgraded in the last release belong to the websocket function. But the performance of site does not impact it?

I am working on this issue and will release the patch soon.


Hai Nguyen

Hello Hai,

Thanks for quick answering, I'll keep follow on upcoming patches/releases.

There's no noticeable performance impact, it just my curiosity ;)


Glad to hear that :). When we solve this issue in the new release, I will inform you in this thread. Have a nice day. Cheers


Hi Sweerawat,

We have released the new version 5.4.1, and this issue is fixed. Now, MyCollab keeps a low CPU utilization as expected :).



cool! Hai,

I'll keep explore around and come back with question, suggestion that seem useful. ;)


Thank you. You are welcome :)

