Not a bug
Email Notifications don't work
No matter which smtp server (gmail,yahoo,custom) i use. I always get the below Error.
"We can not connect to the SMTP server. The root cause is org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following server failed : smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465. Save the configuration anyway?"
Customer support service by UserEcho
I have tested with yahoo, and it works. You should check the ssl option as well. This version seems to have a bug reported at http://mycollab.userecho.com/topics/115-mycollab-doesnt-send-notification-emails-but-test-email-works/. After changing the email, you should restart the server
Hai Nguyen
Im getting the below Exception............what should I DO?
09:32:00,866 ERROR c.m.s.j.ProjectSendingRelayEmailNotificationJob:50 - Error while sending scheduler command
sudo update-ca-certificates -f ------------ didnt work
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates-java ---------- didnt work
What is the java version you are using? also is it the openjdk or oracle java?
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)
Hi, This looks like a bug with JVM?
Please correct me if I'm worng.
I think so. See the trace, it is not the issue of MyCollab. Actually, we can send the email with yahoo on both Windows, and MacOS so I guess it depends on the system environment, may be the handshake of Java and Yahoo via SSL certificate. Could you try to use the Gmail account if you have on? We never see any issue with Gmail or Hotmail account so far.
Sure. Will try with gmail.
Let update me the status if you have the result :)
Its the same with Gmail as well. Im gonna remove openjdk and use oracle jdk and lets see what happens.
Yes, it is a good choice.