Will be answered

Paste image to editor did not show

gromph 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 5

I need a function to allow me to capture a screen, then paste it to editor.

And mycollab allow me to do so. But after i click save or post, image i've paste did not appear.

1. I create a new page

Image 174

2. I capture my screen then paste it into editor. Successfully shown in the editor.

Image 175

3. But after i click save, image i've paste gone

Image 176

4. If i edit the page, somehow image still there

Image 177

5. Also, if i print to pdf, image appear also

Image 178

I've tried using IE11 and Opera 50. Chrome, cannot paste image from clipboard to editor.

Is there any configuration to show the image i've pasted to editor..?

Or should use another browser...?

Thank you very much.

Will be answered

Thanks for reporting this issue, we will investigate and fix it in the next release. Please stay tuned. 

But it seems you are using not the latest MyCollab version?  :)

I use version 5.3.4. Is there any newer version ?

Thank you very much.

oh...i just check mycollab website. And found that there is a new version (5.4.10).

If i upgrade to that version, will it solve the issue ?

Thank you very much.

It will not! If you are happy with the current version then it is fine while you still keep using it. Of course, the newer version is better in general.


thank you very much :D