is there any way to see the project planner style for each user?
Under user profile
|----->Proj 1 (start date end date)
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|----->Proj 2 (start date end date)
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| |-----> Task 1 start date end date comments
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Customer support service by UserEcho
It is a good idea. We received feedback from customers many formats, the information they want to have in the user/project dashboard and we will implement them as widgets, and let users can add/remove these widgets in their dashboard. But it is not presented in the next release because we are having many more critical items in our backlog.
ok sounds good.
Hi Nguyen, I want feature under Global users.
when i search for a user and i click on user, under his profile can i get the described feature asap? i can pay for this feature. let me know what will be the ETA to finish
This is also a major drawback for your application.
How come an admin can get to know that employee1 is working for which project?
under mainmenu overall users in workspace each user should have this overview, then only we can get to know that which user is working for which proj.
as of now its really hard to find what proj the user or employee is working.
please consider my request
That makes sense! The effort of implementing this is not too much. We can deliver it in the next release (rough estimate is 2-3 weeks from now). The rush of having many changes in the next release made me skeptical into any additional feature, but this feature is fine.
Thank you for this suggestion.
cool that really a good news, that you are working on this feature.
thanks a lot.
let me know once it is done
Is this possible to be done by end of this week?
We don't support the current MyCollab instance but the newer MyCollab. This piece doesn't take a lot of effort, but we keep it with the new version which will be released very soon along with some interesting features such as kanban board. Please be patient!
can we have a WebEx Meeting. on this topic. so that I can give clear idea What I'm trying to Explain here.
thats my concern and sorry to bother you.
we can have a WebEx Meeting of your earliest possibility.
Tej (513-488-4748)
It’s ok. You can send a meeting request to me (hainguyen@mycollab.com) at Chicago time. Thanks and see you soon.
Check the MyCollab 7.0.1