
I am not able to download the Community Edition after filling the Details. The page gives error.

anuragroy17 6 years ago updated by Monik 5 years ago 5

On clicking download mycollab community edition button, it gets stuck on sending request and nothing is downloaded from this page - https://mycollab.com/ce-registration/


Thanks for letting us know. You can register again and download MyCollab.

I am not able to dowload.

On clicking download mycollab community edition button, it gets stuck on sending request and nothing is downloaded from this page - https://mycollab.com/ce-registration/

after sometime its timing out with java script error. Object not found. 

Thanks for reporting. The issue is fixed now.

I also have this problem. After clicking download the brower jump to 405 Not Allowed;

I am also facing the same issue. Can anyone help me with a workaround?