

Emiliano Tosi 10 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2
I use MyCollab from few days, it works, is simple and has a good UI.

I've some request to the dev group.
1) Don't you think will be better to have a drill down system to navigate into the tasks ?
2) Could be better to assign a group of tast to a phase with a drag and drop system or with the use of a check box.These functionalities could be integrated in all the user interface.

Under review
Hi Tosi,
Thank you for using MyCollab! Just let you know we will release the new MyCollab in the next few days and it has several improvements than the current one. Let me answer your suggestions:

1) Don't you think will be better to have a drill down system to navigate into the tasks?
We have discussed several times in the design phase. It is better in some case, and the current design is better in some case. To be clear explanation, the drill down system is not good if end users have the low screen resolution device and we do not have a summary views in the right side. But of course, the drill down system is suitable in other cases, and several tools do it well. We just do what we think it is good for many users we are serving now.

We understand there is a case where end users want to quick edit task without navigating to other page, and we do support quickly editing task. But this feature is not presented in the community edition. We think this solution could balance the needs of having the summary widgets in the right side, it serves well for low screen resolution device and quickly changing the task information.

2) Could be better to assign a group of tasks to a phase with a drag and drop system or with the use of a check box.These functionalities could be integrated into all the user interface.

We have supported task group under milestone hierarchy term in the previous versions but we removed. It makes the system becomes complicated when there is a more simple solution that you can create a task, and create many sub tasks. Then you assign a parent task to a milestone. We have more constraints of this relationship in the backlog and if you want they are presented soon in the next versions, you can sponsor for them by requesting a quote.

Hai Nguyen