
Get billing account successfully: but nothing happend

Mohsen Hosseini 8 years ago updated by Nguyen 8 years ago 3


I installed latest community version for first time on my self host, every things goes well,

and login page comes up on 8080 as well.

when I try to login via admin@mycollab.com page loading goes for ever and in bash just show bellow message.

00:08:21,631 INFO c.e.m.w.DesktopApplication:324 - Get billing account successfully: SimpleBillingAccount[billingPlan=com.esofthead.mycollab.module.user.domain.BillingPlan@99a3,id=1,createdtime=Tue Mar 08 02:53:15 UTC 2016,billingplanid=6,accountname=<null>,status=Active,paymentmethod=None,pricing=<null>,pricingeffectfrom=<null>,pricingeffectto=<null>,subdomain=,reminderstatus=<null>,sitename=<null>,logopath=<null>,defaulttimezone=<null>,faviconpath=<null>,selected=false,extraData=<null>]

In addition when I try wrong pass it shows password is in correct and only by correct pass "admin123" it happen.

I tried pull_method=pull but no difference.


Under review

This issue may happen due to your network configuration. We use the websocket to do lazy load for heavy tasks, and probably your network does not support this method :). Could you please contact me in person via my Skype esofthead to understand, debug your issue correctly.


Hai Nguyen