Your comments

give me the content of MyCollab.out file

Could you give me the error message in the console or the log file in %MYCOLLAB_HOME%/logs?

Glad it solved your problem! Cheers

Strange! Could I access your Mac with TeamViewer? If possible, contact me by email and we can continue to figure out by looking into your machine

It says so because the web port default is 8080. If you are sure there is no process run on the port 8080, could you type the command 'lsof -n -i4TCP:8080' to recheck or restart the machine again. There is maybe some process running that prevent the app run.

could you give me the error log in %mycollab_home%/logs. But you should upgrade to the MyCollab 7.0.3 for the new features and bug fixes

You can get the fix one at, re-create the new schema (drop the old one). It should fix your issue

You can get the fix one at, re-create the new schema (drop the old one). It should fix your issue

Thanks, I will investigate and fix it soon to release the new hotfix.

MySQL version from 5.6 to 8