Your comments

Hi Biswa,

We do support Java 7 in MyCollab. Can't you install MyCollab 5.0.10 with Java 7?

Hai Nguyen
Hi Biswaranjan,
The latest MyCollab version is 5.0.10, could you please confirm the version you are using since I read your message 'MyCoolab-5.0.0 zip version '. In addition, you are running MyCollab from sources? not from our installer?

Hai Nguyen
Thank you for reporting. We are working on this issue and we will fix it very soon.

Hai Nguyen
Simons, we will. I added your feature request in our plan Product Updates

Hai Nguyen

Nice suggestion! This feature is already in our todo list in the next sprint, and we definitely bring it to our users. Because there are several changes in our databases and localization so this feature is not presented after 3-4 weeks from now. I hope it does not impact much to your evaluation. If you have any further suggestions, please ask. Thank you.

Hai Nguyen