Your comments

Hi Purushoth,

This issue is similar than since we eventually made mistake in MyCollab 5.0.10, we use Jetty 9.3 and it requires Java 8. Your linux is using Java 7 or below and it can not run MyCollab. We will release the new MyCollab 5.1.0 in this weekend, and we will close this issue.

Hai Nguyen
Could you please run MyCollab by invoke (on MacOS/Unix) or startup.bat (on Windows)?

Hai Nguyen
The problem may come from the initialize beans as discussion thread It does not happen always, but some rare case it has. We are testing to release the new MyCollab version and it will fix the Windows command issue (reported by you), and this issue as well. The MyCollab 5.1.0 release is expected to at this weekend. I will inform and change status to 'Fixed' when the new release is out.

If you want to get MyCollab sooner, you can build from source a version own by you by getting source from and use maven to generate the installer file :)

Thank you,
Hai Nguyen
No, you do not miss, and there is no extra steps need to configure. We would love to make site admin easily so any exception belong to us. Let us investigate and tell you the reason soon.

Best regards,
Hai Nguyen
Hi Jacques,
Help MyCollab users is our pleasure :). I guess the issue belong to the initialize process of MyCollab. We load many spring beans, and we expect the datasource bean must be created before the repository bean, but in your case it was not. We added the order of loading process between the datasource and repository bean. Could you please to check the latest source codes from Github and try again?

The community is great, it helps us discover issues even we have not dealt it before. It is a bug, but all my members do not have such issue in 1.5 years of development, LOL

Thank you,
Hai Nguyen
Glad to hear that. Thank you :)
Hi Biswa,
Thank you for reporting. I checked the site again and actually we use the server jetty 9.3 and this library requires Java 8. In production, we never face this issue since we use the latest Java version and we must use Jetty 9.3+ since we enable HTTP/2 on MyCollab site. We are considering to use the Jetty 9.2 for the open source edition since there are several potential users can not upgrade Java from 7. You please check MyCollab 5.1.0 on this weekend, or you can check MyCollab 5.0.8 which still use Jetty 9.2 and hence the Java 7 is supported

Best regards,
Hai Nguyen