Your comments

It will not! If you are happy with the current version then it is fine while you still keep using it. Of course, the newer version is better in general.

Thanks for reporting this issue, we will investigate and fix it in the next release. Please stay tuned. 

But it seems you are using not the latest MyCollab version?  :)

You should go to the sub project mycollab-app-community then run the command mvn compile to let maven vaadin plugin to generate the vaadin assets and run the application again.

Let me know if it doesn't work.

Could you give me the error log message which the log file is at %MYCOLLAB_HOME%/logs/mycollab.out

Could you give us the full stack trace? Did you use the downloaded version or build the product by yourself?

Could you give me the error message in the file %MYCOLLAB_HOME%/logs/mycollab.out?

Hi Ionut,

    I am sorry, this request is available in the premium edition only.And it is not existed in the code of the community as well.

Can you send me the detail error message or step to reproduce if it still be happened.

By the way, you can get the premium download link directly at

Hi Kyle,

    Sorry for the issue of our license generator service last time. I sent the email with the attached license already, could you check the email, input the license and let me know if you need the further support. Thanks.

Hai Nguyen