Your comments

Sounds good. If you just want to modify the MyCollab theme then it is ok. Otherwise you should modify the CSS file for other purposes such as rounding button etc

We do not allow users edit the css files in MyCollab instance, but you must go to the source on github, modify the css file styles.css in the folder mycollab-web/src/main/resources/VAAdDIN/themes/mycollab_<number>/. Then you build the MyCollab again.

This idea is good. In our plan, we intend to integrate with Git first then Svn later. If this feature is critical for your team, you could donate to make it first. Thank

Hi Michael,

This link is helpful to let you input the license file If you still have any question, please let me know. Thank you.


Hai Nguyen

You go to %MYCOLLAB_HOME/conf/ then change the value of server.address to the PUBLICSERVERIP. After restarting the server, it should work.

Th exception is "Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED."

To change to row based binary logging, set the following in /etc/my.cnf (or your my.cnf if it's elsewhere):


Then restart the MySQL server to make the changes effectively. You can see the full description at


You can run MyCollab port with any chosen value or behind the reverse proxy server like Nginx

Could you send me the error log file to, the file locates at %MYCOLLAB_HOM%/logs? Thank you.

This issue happens with the MyCollab 4.5.5. You should go to (for the Community edition) or the premium edition) and download the app again and do re-install the software. We did release a hotfix but keep the same version number. Thanks
