Your comments
This issue is resolved in the MyCollab 5.2.10 which is released several hours ago. In this release, there are not many new features for the community edition but the stability of reporting, file module are improved much. You can see all changes at
Thank you for reporting this issue. We made a mistake when we miss report font in the delivery. This issue will be fixed in the next release.
Hai Nguyen
We have fixed it in the new release 5.2.9, the open source edition. Other editions are updated as well before.
Best regards,
Hai Nguyen
We tweaked the maven file to avoid the old validation library javax.validation:validation-api:1.0.0.GA. There are two libraries, and IntelliJ random to load one of them. In your case, they got the old one. You can check out the latest source code on Github to fix this issue
Hai Nguyen
This issue may happen due to your network configuration. We use the websocket to do lazy load for heavy tasks, and probably your network does not support this method :). Could you please contact me in person via my Skype esofthead to understand, debug your issue correctly.
Hai Nguyen
The quick solution is let we discuss via Skype anytime from the next Monday. My skype is esofthead.
Hai Nguyen
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